
A Refutation of Jared E Malone's "Who is Ultraviolet?"

A more relevant question is "Who is Jared E Malone?" Unlike @Jared E Malone I have only one account. "Jared E Malone" is just the latest of many accounts by a James Michael Yerian in Ohio.
His accounts aren't the only thing fake about him. Under previous accounts, he even lied about his own name: once it was "Michael." That's probably his father's name. Or not. He's contradicted himself over the years on one account or another.

Perhaps @LiveJohn said it best in the comments section of Jimmy's post, "I guess it all boils down to 'by their fruits you will know them'."

I have one account and I don't get banned because I follow GTV's rules. Those are my "fruits." Compare them to the plastic imitations Jimmy needs.

It's true "Jimmy" and his many accounts have been banned from GTV numerous times.

In fact, he's been banned more than anyone in the history of GTV because he keeps breaking GTV's rules. On at least on one other occasion, Jimmy was banned for outright criminal threatening.

Jimmy breaks GTV rules over and over again but it's someone else's fault when he get banned for it.

Jimmy makes death threats but it's someone else's fault when he get banned for it.

Jimmy really is just THAT sick in the head. He has no rational understanding of cause and effect, much less right and wrong.

Jimmy states something so that makes it true. Jimmy does whatever he wants on GTV and that's okay, but only for Jimmy.

No matter how often Jimmy uses "we" to speak for everyone on GTV, he doesn't. Some here do know me. Surprise! They just don't run off to Jimmy and blab! ;-)

"But Gloria.tv's resident goblin is as Catholic as Biden is lucid."

...said the man who denies Francis is the pope and contradicts Benedict who also asserts Francis is the pope.

Reconcile Jimmy's notion of "Catholic" with his long-running attempts to "find" me and my family in the physical world for obvious evil intent.

Is that "Catholic"? Jimmy keeps losing arguments online so he upgrades the dispute to hunting down a critic and their relatives.

Reconcile Jimmy's notion of "Catholic" with death threats and dire promises of a face-to-face "reckoning" as he once phrased it... his guarantee that even with his bad back he will "totally destroy" me when we finally meet.

Is that Catholic? Death threats just because he lost a few arguments on the internet? As Jimmy is fond of saying, "Get over yourself". :P

...and, yes, I am Catholic and I act Catholic. Christ Himself was a fierce debator and quite skilled at making His opponents look stupid. He was known to call His opponents exceedingly scathing names, particularly when one realizes the historical context of His epithets.

Jimmy keeps getting banned for repeatedly "putting in doubt Francis lawful status as the Pope of the Catholic Church". Like most hypocrites, Jimmy exempts himself from throwing venom. That latest post of his is a tiny example of it: "goblin" "goon" "coward" "troll" "his parents should be ashamed" etc.

Jimmy does something so that makes it okay. But only when Jimmy says it's okay..

"He's an enigma because he pretends he's a devout Catholic then he acts like a Satanist."

This from the man who has never ceased trying to find out where I live, who my family is, for God only knows what kind of vindictive psychotic retribution.

"I anticipate to be banned again and again."

I can guarantee it. ;-) Especially when GTV eventually appoints a moderator who actively enforces the rules and bans ALL the "Jimmy" accounts, active and occasional, the moment he betrays himself.

"UV is a coward. He hides and gives glancing blows."

...said the man who "blocks" his critics because he can't stand an open discussion of ideas.

By contrast, I have never blocked anyone no matter what they said to me or where they said it. I'm not afraid of criticism the way Jimmy is. I can take it.

Jimmy, the "tough guy" calling me a coward, just can't do that.

I can't comment on Jimmy's post or even under Jimmy's comments. Jimmy, and everyone else, can comment on mine. Who's really the coward here, hmmm? ;-)

Jimmy's notion of cowardice is everyone who doesn't fight on his own thuggish terms, brawling behind Wal-Mart's loading docks, trading punches. I fight with the truth and that's a weapon Jimmy doesn't know how to use. It's why Jimmy always loses no matter what accounts he's running at the moment. It doesn't matter even when he's using one account to post his garbage or another account to agree with himself.

"He doesn't stand for anything. He has devoted his life to being a troll, and he's ruined this site."

I stand for the truth and the truth contradicts Jimmy's pathetic obsesson with peddling the same agenda year after year: "Muh Benedict Troo Pope, Francis Doesn't Real."

What's ruined this site is a near-total lack of enforcing the rules already in place. Jimmy's agenda is not Catholic, It is that of a schismatic self-appointed papal king-maker. The Church doesn't elect the Pope. Jimmy and the Benedict Buddies do that. When Benedict contradicts them, that doesn't matter. Jimmy has said so on GTV repeatedly...

"It doesn't matter what Benedict said..."
"It doesn't matter what Benedict thinks..."
"It doesn't matter what Benedict 'said'..."
"What Benedict says about the matter is irrelevant..."

Imagine the delusion, the sheer cognitive dissonance of constantly calling a man "pope" while acknowledging he flat-out contradicts you.

"I doubt he's married. I doubt he has anyone in his life. Obviously he is very sedentary."

Jimmy's "doubts" here are an all-too-painful reflection of his own real-life situation. He's unmarried. He lives at home with his parents, holding down a marginal part-time job and pushing 50. He clearly isn't courting. His "bad back" and heavy appetite, much like Francis' own, have caused Jimmy's weight to skyrocket.

"His parents should be ashamed of themselves that they reared this person to be the thing he's become."

...a success whose own home was bought and paid for in full before the big "40" rolled around. How many here can claim as much? Jimmy can't. He can't even get his own apartment!

"One can say what they want about me but I'm not pretending to be a Super Catholic."

I'm a traditionalist Catholic, like many here... unlike Jimmy who is quite defensive about his preference for the Novus Ordo. Is traditionalism "Super Catholic?" If it is, I'm not pretending and neither are the many other Catholics on this site.

"I don't get on every single post and feel the need to chime in."

Neither do I. Here Jimmy also betrays his ignorance of how GTV's relevancy algorithm works. What else is new, eh?

"It's time UV got banned."

Jimmy Yerian: The voice of every agenda-peddling crank on GTV.
Ironic how often these same cranks rage about "cancel culture" on YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, etc.

...just about every online venue with active moderation stopping the "Jimmies" from doing what they do here.

Like all hypocrites, banning people doesn't bother cranks. What bothers them is they're not the ones doing it.

The cranks block dissenting opinions. The cranks delete dissenting comments. I don't. because I'm not a crank..

"This clownshow of a human being can take his act somewhere else."

...said Bozo even when he's been banned repeatedly year after year and still breaks GTV's rules on a daily basis.

Since Jimmy clearly can't abide by GTV's rules, he should go somewhere else and start his own site with his own rules. Instead he keeps re-joining this one every time he keeps getting banned for breaking them.

Jimmy wants someone else's hard work and the audience that hard work earned them. If Jimmy can abuse the staggering charity of GTV's mods and take over this site by sheer force of his own obnoxious non-stop posts, then that makes it right. Like most fat, lazy failures in life, he has an astonishing sense of self-entitlement.

GTV isn't Jimmy's own personal Ann Barnhardt fan-shrine. The moderators need to recognize this before the financial deficits afflicting this site year after year become critical.
"I'm a big-picture guy." @Jared E Malone Yes you are, Jimmy. And your depiction of reality looks like Jackson Pollock. Who would have guessed you'd combine that with Picasso's use of feces as painting medium?
"I don't have time to play your game..."
...yet youhad hours to argue with Matty on this post. Funny thing.
"having people get lost in the weeds."
Ave Crux uses that same cop-out whenever …More
"I'm a big-picture guy." @Jared E Malone Yes you are, Jimmy. And your depiction of reality looks like Jackson Pollock. Who would have guessed you'd combine that with Picasso's use of feces as painting medium?

"I don't have time to play your game..."

...yet youhad hours to argue with Matty on this post. Funny thing.

"having people get lost in the weeds."

Ave Crux uses that same cop-out whenever the facts contradict her as well. Yer weeeeds. I'm not gettin' lost in 'em. :P

Protip: Baseless accusations aren't a 'meta-argument', genius. It's just noise. Unlike your post, at least I can back the claims I make. ;-)
"Gaslighting"... Jimmy's standard rhetorical rebuttal to all factual refutations. :P