
A Refutation of John Laurer's "Recommendation"

As usual, "John Laurer" (the latest alias of GTV's single-most-banned user, Jimmy) disabled the comments to stifle the truth. This post is a platform for the discussion he fears. All are welcome, him …More
As usual, "John Laurer" (the latest alias of GTV's single-most-banned user, Jimmy) disabled the comments to stifle the truth. This post is a platform for the discussion he fears. All are welcome, him included.
Jimmy's presence on GTV contradicts his own claim for the advantages of requiring a name and phone number. He writes:
"This helps keep people more honest about who they are and, at a minimum, helps keep the trolls down."
Has GTV requiring a name and a phone number stopped Jimmy from endlessly re-joining every time he gets banned for breaking site rules? Yes or no?
How many times HAS Jimmy been banned just this year alone? Has anyone been able to keep track?
He's been getting banned about twice a week now since before January. Whatever GTV's policy, it's doesn't "keep the trolls down". Jimmy's still here and doing what he always does, his latest post included.
Jimmy complains how "trolls" supposedly "have attacked everyone who dares oppose their peculiar beliefs.". Just …More
I've had Liberal trolls tell me that they are paid for every nasty, derogatory, vicious, etc., jab that they post on conservative/Catholic sites and …More
I've had Liberal trolls tell me that they are paid for every nasty, derogatory, vicious, etc., jab that they post on conservative/Catholic sites and posts. Such Liberal strategy of childish name-calling, lying, personal attacks, etc., are all listed on the Marxist Manifesto. Such strategy is used because they have no real or reasonable arguments.
Wa, wa, wa

A Correction For Benedict Hierusalem.

Losers block. Winners get blocked. Which explains why you can comment on my posts and I can't comment on yours. "He clearly was on the back foot" Is that why somebody complained to GTV's admin they …More
Losers block. Winners get blocked. Which explains why you can comment on my posts and I can't comment on yours.
"He clearly was on the back foot"
Is that why somebody complained to GTV's admin they were being wronged? Any ideas? Looks like your bet got a little to hot for you to handle, eh? :D
"and suddenly the whole thread disappeared."
Seems like somebody didn't like having their bet blow up in their face and went crying.
@Mathathias Maccabeus wagered his account against yours that you can't prove that he's an alias of mine or that we are the same user.
I'll second his wager. Prove we're the same person. Your account against both of ours, Yes or no?
You have made that accusation publicly. Pic at the bottom. Ready to back it up with a bet? Yes or no? Somebody was on the back foot. It wasn't Matty and it wasn't me. I don't delete my own posts. I don't delete my own comments. Those above me certainly can. "Is this the first public acceptance of ultraviolet admitting defeat?"More
@Jimmy aka Yuri M Jachob if GTV has "gone down in flames" that's because they haven't appointed a mod to insta-ban your endless sock-puppet accounts. …More
@Jimmy aka Yuri M Jachob if GTV has "gone down in flames" that's because they haven't appointed a mod to insta-ban your endless sock-puppet accounts. ;-)
This post is a correction of your assumption, BH. I didn't take my post down. You clearly won't take the bet. I want that preserved. This second post …More
This post is a correction of your assumption, BH. I didn't take my post down. You clearly won't take the bet. I want that preserved. This second post is proof of that.
"MM has posted that to say are to say you are..."
MM didn't make that comment. You did. It's a screen-cap of YOUR comment. Gotcha. Looks like the party's over. ;-)

A Refutation of Alex Jacyck's "It Must Be God's Will!"

Since Mr. Yerian fears an open discussion of his post (as usual) this will serve as the forum he fears. Unlike you, I don't run sock-puppet accounts and I don't make excuses for pedophiles. You do, …More
Since Mr. Yerian fears an open discussion of his post (as usual) this will serve as the forum he fears.
Unlike you, I don't run sock-puppet accounts and I don't make excuses for pedophiles. You do, Jimmy . Pic below from your banned account last night. Today you're @Alex Jacyck Yesterday you were Delano Mullins, tomorrow you'll be someone else. If there is any "small, nasty, miserable human being" it's your pedophile relative.
"You are obviously paid to be here, as a spy of whatever ghoulish entity runs this place."
GTV is run, in part, by Catholic clergy. I am not paid by them or even part of their administration. When I am, rest assured, you of all people will be the first to know it.
"You attack everyone, you belittle, you bully, you humiliate,you delight in evil. You are filth."
…said the user who created a post just to do all these things to little ole' me.
Filth? A bold claim from a man trying help his his pedophile relative escape justice.
"You have no Christian charity in …More

A Refutation of Joey Dix "Who Are Our Betters?"

Jimmy Yerian under his latest alias @Joey Dix now justifies his mockery of Fr. Matthew P Schneider on the priest's own post. Mr. Yerian disabled his comments, so this post will provide the forum he …More
Jimmy Yerian under his latest alias @Joey Dix now justifies his mockery of Fr. Matthew P Schneider on the priest's own post. Mr. Yerian disabled his comments, so this post will provide the forum he fears.
So who are our betters? Mr. Yerian gets that much, at least, correct.
"Betters" are people who are basically "more important' than someone else.
…and in the Catholic Church, priests are more important than the laity. Priests can forgive sins and celebrate the Mass. The laity can not. In this context, a Catholic context, it is easy to discern who is more important.
"When someone teaches you to respect your betters, you're being instructed to honor someone who is by definition "better" than you."
…and here that means Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, an ordained priest.
"While Christians should respect everyone, I hesitate to call any person "Better" than me. "
Mr. Yerian may hesitate to call any person "better" than himself, but that doesn't change the fact many people ARE better than him, …More

A Refutation of Jared E Malone's "Who is Ultraviolet?"

A more relevant question is "Who is Jared E Malone?" Unlike @Jared E Malone I have only one account. "Jared E Malone" is just the latest of many accounts by a James Michael Yerian in Ohio. His …More
A more relevant question is "Who is Jared E Malone?" Unlike @Jared E Malone I have only one account. "Jared E Malone" is just the latest of many accounts by a James Michael Yerian in Ohio.
His accounts aren't the only thing fake about him. Under previous accounts, he even lied about his own name: once it was "Michael." That's probably his father's name. Or not. He's contradicted himself over the years on one account or another.
Perhaps @LiveJohn said it best in the comments section of Jimmy's post, "I guess it all boils down to 'by their fruits you will know them'."
I have one account and I don't get banned because I follow GTV's rules. Those are my "fruits." Compare them to the plastic imitations Jimmy needs.
It's true "Jimmy" and his many accounts have been banned from GTV numerous times.
In fact, he's been banned more than anyone in the history of GTV because he keeps breaking GTV's rules. On at least on one other occasion, Jimmy was banned for outright criminal threatening. …More
"I'm a big-picture guy." @Jared E Malone Yes you are, Jimmy. And your depiction of reality looks like Jackson Pollock. Who would have guessed you'd …More
"I'm a big-picture guy." @Jared E Malone Yes you are, Jimmy. And your depiction of reality looks like Jackson Pollock. Who would have guessed you'd combine that with Picasso's use of feces as painting medium?
"I don't have time to play your game..."
...yet youhad hours to argue with Matty on this post. Funny thing.
"having people get lost in the weeds."
Ave Crux uses that same cop-out whenever the facts contradict her as well. Yer weeeeds. I'm not gettin' lost in 'em. :P
Protip: Baseless accusations aren't a 'meta-argument', genius. It's just noise. Unlike your post, at least I can back the claims I make. ;-)
"Gaslighting"... Jimmy's standard rhetorical rebuttal to all factual refutations. :P
Ultraviolet shares from kleineseelejesu
I try not to bomb those whoo "follow" me with a stream of articles. You've paid me a profound compliment and I'm ever-mindful of it. In terms of Canon Law this article is the legal equivalent of St. …More
I try not to bomb those whoo "follow" me with a stream of articles. You've paid me a profound compliment and I'm ever-mindful of it.
In terms of Canon Law this article is the legal equivalent of St. Michael The Archangel and the Heavenly Host routing the Fallen Angels straight out of Heaven.
Notice the author's genius in finding this legal loophole.
"In considering Article 3, it is worthwhile to note that the provisions of this article refer to the “Missal antecedent to the reform of 1970.” Strictly understood, the Missal antecedent to the reform of 1970 is the editio typica of 1965 with the alterations of Tres abhinc annos of 4 May 1967. This is not the 1962 Missal. To this author’s knowledge, the 1965 missal is used hardly, if ever.
What the author said is legally correct. "Restrictions require strict interpretaton". --to which I would modestly add, "what is meant is not what was written."
If Pope Francis and his cronies meant to restrct the 1962 Missal and, in their Canonical …More


Article: "Legal Considerations on the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes" - Restrictions demand strict interpretation by Fr. Pierre Laliberté, J.C.L.* 1. Principles The motu proprio “Traditionis …More
Article: "Legal Considerations on the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes" - Restrictions demand strict interpretation
by Fr. Pierre Laliberté, J.C.L.*
1. Principles
The motu proprio “Traditionis Custodes” was issued by Pope Francis on 16 July 2021, along with an accompanying letter.
As a restrictive decree, this present motu proprio of Pope Francis should be interpreted strictly, in accord with the legal maxim Regula Juris 15 (odiosa restringenda, favorabilia amplificanda). Interestingly, there is no vacatio legis on the document either.
Pope Francis indicates in the first paragraph that the bishops constitute the principle of unity of the particular churches and govern them through the proclamation of the Gospel. As the specified end of the document is the “constant search for ecclesial communion”, it would also appear that hermeneutically, this document should be interpreted in a way which genuinely fosters ecclesiastical communion between the faithful, priests, and bishops, and does …More
...a proper interpretation of Session 7 Canon 13 of the DOGMATIC Council of Trent, instead of some mindless nabob simply referencing it, @DefeatMore
...a proper interpretation of Session 7 Canon 13 of the DOGMATIC Council of Trent, instead of some mindless nabob simply referencing it, @Defeat Modernism As I recall, you tend to do reference this whenever you don't know what you're talking about and don't have anything better to say.
Defeat Modernism
Session 7 Canon 13 of the DOGMATIC Council of Trent. Pope St. Pius V in Quo Primum. Thousands of years of Tradition. What more do you faithless people …More
Session 7 Canon 13 of the DOGMATIC Council of Trent. Pope St. Pius V in Quo Primum. Thousands of years of Tradition. What more do you faithless people need?
8 more comments

Easter Two Thousand Twenty One

A year when literature and reality overlap entirely too closely.
sin has no boundaries

F M Shyanguya: GTV's Resident Cuckoo Bird.

Many on GTV know I have a passion for defending the truth and correcting falsehood. The latter requires me to address F M Shyanguya's latest insanity "Matrix Agents in place on GTV" The man's gone …More
Many on GTV know I have a passion for defending the truth and correcting falsehood. The latter requires me to address F M Shyanguya's latest insanity "Matrix Agents in place on GTV" The man's gone full blown crazy. The Matrix is fantasy, its creators both avid leftists (shame on you F M Shyanguya for reposting such garbage) He's also "CF'd" his other insanity, "Ultraviolet is Illuminati"
IIluminati? Is this guy serious? My user-icon was assigned by Gloria TV. It's a random abstract geometric. It doesn't look like an "Illuminati" triangle-eye. It doesn't look like an "Illuminati" owl. It doesn't even look like any of the classic Atari 2600 Space Invaders
So that isn't proof. A lengthy passage from Charles Stephen Dessain about spiritual warfare isn't proof, either.
The only GTV post F M Shyanguya links is one of his own and I didn't post on it. So it's impossible to be "proof" that I said anything that's "Illuminati".
"How God traps the wicked in the works of their own hands."More
Claiming a "distortion" without demonstrating it is a baseless accusation Feel free to do so. "Knock yourself out", eh? ;-)
On the contrary, I'm directly addressing your claim by noting that "getting away with it" is by no means unique nor proof of a mysterious "connection …More
On the contrary, I'm directly addressing your claim by noting that "getting away with it" is by no means unique nor proof of a mysterious "connection" to GTV.
I'm also pointing out your selective focus is rank hypocrisy. Is that short and simple enough for you @Saveusfromhell ?
8 more comments

A Refutation Of Zechariah 4:06's "You're Not in Schism..."

Short answer: Yes, the author Zechariah 4:06 is in schism. So is his source, Anne Barnhardt. First, "Ius Canonicum" while sounding very "Canonical" is a book about Canon Law. It is the author's …More
Short answer: Yes, the author Zechariah 4:06 is in schism. So is his source, Anne Barnhardt.
First, "Ius Canonicum" while sounding very "Canonical" is a book about Canon Law. It is the author's opinions on Canon Law, it is NOT Canon Law proper. A fancy Latin title does not make the work an official source of Church Law.
Second, Revs. Wernz and Vidal were not the "Highest Levels of The Church". Both authors were priests. In terms of clergy, they are the lowest levels of the Church.
Citation: (Wikipedia article" Franz Xavier Wernz)
"Petrus" Vidal was better known by the less Latin-y "Rev. Pedro Vidal, SJ"
Citation: (Wikipedia article: "Religious Of The Virgin Mary")
Cf. Franciscus Wernz (German Jesuit, 1842-1914) & Petrus Vidal (Catalan Jesuit, 1867-1938),
Citation: (Canon Law Info article: "Pan-Textual Commentaries on the 1917 Code") Third, Anne Barnhardt, and the author, are misreading the passage she quotes. "Finally they cannot be numbered among the schismatics, who refuse to …More
@Saveusfromhell First, if you read my comments a bit more closely, you'd notice that "Ius Canonicum", 7:398, 1943 is not Canon Law. It is private work …More
First, if you read my comments a bit more closely, you'd notice that "Ius Canonicum", 7:398, 1943 is not Canon Law. It is private work written by two priests.
Second, my concerns about the authors' use of "they" is a contextual one and not a Canonical one. Simply put, you're asking for a legal citation from the Catholic Church for what is essentially a grammatical problem stemming from a truncated quotation.
Apples and oranges.
Third, the full passage from which the two priests are quoted is missing. The obligation for providing that context, is on those using the original citation to argue their position.
In other words, providing you the full quote is the duty of Anne Barnhardt and Mr. Daly, since she's the one almost certainly quoting him, and he's the one quoting those authors.
I am not required to clarify a reference they inadequately cited. All I need do is point out the discrepancy present in what they HAVE cited. ;-)
"hence the reason latin is the offical …More
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A Refutation of Zechariah 4:06's "Canon 751 and Christian Logic"

GTV user Zechariah 4:06 has written a new article "Canon 751 and Christian Logic" At the risk of overstating the obvious, it follows his usual standards of scholarship on Canon Law along with his …More
GTV user Zechariah 4:06 has written a new article "Canon 751 and Christian Logic"
At the risk of overstating the obvious, it follows his usual standards of scholarship on Canon Law along with his understanding of "logic".
Since he's "blocked" me from replying directly, for obvious reasons, I will refute his points here. Unlike "Zechariah" I do not block anyone from commenting. My work can withstand open discussion. His can not.
The author states:
"This is Canon 751:
Can. 751 Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholicfaith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him."

That is false. "Catholic" and "faith" are two words in Canon Law 751, not one. The passage reads: "divine and Catholic faith"
Citation: (Canon Law Of The Catholic Church Vatican Website)More

A Refutation of Zechariah 4:14's "Why Pope Francis..."

GTV user Zechariah 4:14 posted a treatise called "Why Pope Francis is an Antipope: Canon 332.2". Edit: Zechariah 4:14 has changed his name once again. GTV should seriously consider disabling the …More
GTV user Zechariah 4:14 posted a treatise called "Why Pope Francis is an Antipope: Canon 332.2".
Edit: Zechariah 4:14 has changed his name once again. GTV should seriously consider disabling the function as it serves no productive purpose.
In this work, the author makes numerous false claims on the subject and about me in particular. Normally, I'm indulgent with this user's errors, his ignorance and his rampant propensity for telling lies. Given the formal nature of his treatise and the severtiy of his accusations, that is no longer an option.
This is a point-by-point refutation of the author's claims.
--> "Canon Law frequently discusses both parts of the papacy, the ministry and the office of the post. Ministerium and munus."
No citations given. Unsupported claim and irrelevant to Canon Law 332 §2. which does not mention or discuss "both parts of the papacy" either in English or Latin.
Canon Law states: 332 §2. If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required …More
"This "news item" is that a poster to stop from being attacked by ultraviolet has blocked ultraviolet." @Saveusfromhell No, this is a refutation on …More
"This "news item" is that a poster to stop from being attacked by ultraviolet has blocked ultraviolet." @Saveusfromhell
No, this is a refutation on Canon Law. It is also a refutation of attacks made against me. Funny how, like every cross-eyed hypocrite, you ignore that fact.
Zechariah 4:14/ 4:06/ whatever else he's calling himself, the name he's registered to vote under is James Michael Yerian, misrepresented Canon Law. Worse, he lied about me. They are lies since I have corrected the false information directly to him numerous times. Yet he persists in repeating those falsehoods for the obvious and self-evident purpose of defaming me. That, incidentally, is a grave i.e. mortal sin.
"This is simply baiting another poster to engage so ultraviolet can continue to abuse the poster."
Wrong. This post is the only option I have to publicly answer a.) the falsehoods Mr. Yerian has told regarding Canon Law and b.) the lies he told about me.
Not surprisingly, like him, you see only what you want …More
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The Lion of Judah & Lyin' From KristianKeller

Since attack-posts are the new GTV fashion, defense-posts are only fair. For some time now, KristianKeller has been obsessing over a discussion we had in late November/ early December of last year. …More
Since attack-posts are the new GTV fashion, defense-posts are only fair.
For some time now, KristianKeller has been obsessing over a discussion we had in late November/ early December of last year. Yes, that's right. KristianKeller has been stewing non-stop on a conversation from five months ago.
I say "non-stop" since they brought this up just last month Now they've started a dedicated "attack-post" to revisit the discussion again this month.
KristianKeller is repeating false statements with the clear intention of defaming another user's character. In simple terms, it's libel.
KristianKeller's Lie #1:
"Person under name Ultraviolet is promoter of antipope Francis and Vatican II sect"
KristianKeller just discredited himself.
I do not support Pope Francis. I don't like Pope Francis. I don't approve of Pope Francis. But Pope Francis is the Pope. I don't like that either. I have repeatedly explained this to KristianKeller. I've repeatedly explained this to many people here. Likewise, …More