Ivan Tomas
"Quod non est aliud, nisi sunt aliqui qui vos conturbant, et volunt convertere Evangelium Christi." (Gal 1,7)
Pope Francis to young leaders: Dream big, God does too! - Vatican News
Definitions of idea:
a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
plan, design, scheme. project, proposal, proposition, suggestion, recommendation, aim, intention, objective, object, …More
"Quod non est aliud, nisi sunt aliqui qui vos conturbant, et volunt convertere Evangelium Christi." (Gal 1,7)

Pope Francis to young leaders: Dream big, God does too! - Vatican News


Definitions of idea:
a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
plan, design, scheme. project, proposal, proposition, suggestion, recommendation, aim, intention, objective, object, purpose, end, goal, target.

How can the reality, which is for example, a sinful life that many are living in this world, be greater than the idea of Catholic life i.e. the idea of Salvation.
The sin is reality, the evil is reality, among other things, while the idea / intention / goal of salvation is constantly intention to live a Catholic life for the purpose of reaching the Heaven.

Furthermore, are we not here, designed by God almighty, for this primarily reason: to glorify and praise our almighty God the Creator of everything, visible and invisible?
Almighty God who created everything made possible for us, through the holy Catholic Faith and through our healthy formed reason, to have an certain and healthy idea about God Himself.

Is our Catholic idea / proposition / suggestion, and thus also our firm Catholic belief that God is Almighty, God is our Creator, the Creator of everything and our Redeemer,- then really inferior to everything else what our very limited senses can assume that it might be a "reality"?
Also, not everything is as it seems to be (reality).
For example, what do we think about this kind of reality:
"Sic et vos a foris quidem paretis hominibus justi : intus autem pleni estis hypocrisi et iniquitate." (Matt 23,28)

Is Bergoglio calling us to abandon our belief, thus our Catholic Faith, our most valuable idea / purpose / goal and lean towards the "reality", or even reality, in which the world finds itself? World full of evil and of all kinds of sin, especially in this unfortunate time of ours.

But I guess that's exactly what his job really is. As well as his function, which many might do not be able to recognize, or do not want to recognize. How he really serves to that purpose, and that purpose only.

And that's now the exact reality! His serving to that purpose / idea. Which, for me, can never and will never be, in no case whatsoever, any greater than my idea, my purpose to serve my Lord and my God according to His will, and His idea.

There is no need to mention Bergoglio's insult to our almighty God, where he says that God is a dreamer, which is not the first time he uttered such a blasphemy. After all is it not so that a dream is an subconscious idea?! Even more, do we not know that the dreams are lies? Except when they come from God.

Pope Francis to young leaders: Dream big, God does too!

In a message to high school students in Italy, Pope Francis encourages them to “discover the fascination of the person of Jesus”, who models …
"My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep." Psalm 121 God doesn't dream, He acts!