Christ Crucified. Oh, the beauty of the cross, the wounds glorified, may His blood ever cleanse my sin.More
Christ Crucified.
Oh, the beauty of the cross, the wounds glorified, may His blood ever cleanse my sin.
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And God Came Down. Laying aside His Majesty, and Glory, He took the form of man, taking our sin and nailing it to the cross.More
And God Came Down.
Laying aside His Majesty, and Glory, He took the form of man, taking our sin and nailing it to the cross.
The Fifth Cup. Christ drank the cup of wrath, taking our sin upon Himself, nailing it to the cross.More
The Fifth Cup.
Christ drank the cup of wrath, taking our sin upon Himself, nailing it to the cross.
Why We Celebrate New Years. We do not know the future, but we know Who Holds our future in His nail scarred hands. Have a blest New Year to you all. Much Love SoundingjoyMore
Why We Celebrate New Years.
We do not know the future, but we know Who Holds our future in His nail scarred hands. Have a blest New Year to you all.
Much Love
Dear frpope, Bless you this new year and may the peace of God guide your heart as you minister to many. 😇More
Dear frpope,
Bless you this new year and may the peace of God guide your heart as you minister to many. 😇
Peace. May the peace of God that surpasses understanding, keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.More
May the peace of God that surpasses understanding, keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.
I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked. May I follow in His steps, take up my cross, being faithful to Him.More
I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked.
May I follow in His steps, take up my cross, being faithful to Him.
Dear Gregory, brother in Christ, how Mary must have carried a wounded heart for Her Son, and for us. I am amazed because of the boundless love shown …More
Dear Gregory, brother in Christ, how Mary must have carried a wounded heart for Her Son, and for us. I am amazed because of the boundless love shown toward us. May I take up my cross and follow, sharing in His sufferings, that I may share His joys in the portals of heaven. Blessed Mother, pray for us, and may we follow you in all purity and holiness. Bless you Gregory for your blest posts.
Holy. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. AmenMore
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen
Dear Rhemes1582, May the Glory of Christ fill you always. May Mary, Queen of heaven hold up before our Lord, hearing your praise and prayers 😇More
Dear Rhemes1582,
May the Glory of Christ fill you always. May Mary, Queen of heaven hold up before our Lord, hearing your praise and prayers 😇
Come To Me. "Come unto Me, all who are heavy laden with care, and I will give you rest."More
Come To Me.
"Come unto Me, all who are heavy laden with care, and I will give you rest."
Your Blood Ran Down. What wondrous Wounds as His Blood flows down over the leporsy of our sin.More
Your Blood Ran Down.
What wondrous Wounds as His Blood flows down over the leporsy of our sin.
Lord Have Mercy. Lord, have mercy on my sinful heart. Christ have mercy.More
Lord Have Mercy.
Lord, have mercy on my sinful heart. Christ have mercy.
Dear RevSpitz, Blessings to you as we contemplate the beautiful Sacrifice of Christ. SoundingjoyMore
Dear RevSpitz,
Blessings to you as we contemplate the beautiful Sacrifice of Christ.
Dear Domsbrat, May the love of Christ and His Beauty shine through you. SoundingjoyMore
Dear Domsbrat,
May the love of Christ and His Beauty shine through you.
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Promise of Easter. What wondrous love is this, the Innocent Christ takes the leporsy of my sin, nailing it to His cross.More
Promise of Easter.
What wondrous love is this, the Innocent Christ takes the leporsy of my sin, nailing it to His cross.
The Last Supper. What wonder, what love, bestowed upon our lives, through the form of a servant.More
The Last Supper.
What wonder, what love, bestowed upon our lives, through the form of a servant.
The Blood of Jesus. Oh, what wonder, the Blood of Christ cleansing us from sin, bleeding, dying, loving from the cross of torment. Oh, may I say I have loved.More
The Blood of Jesus.
Oh, what wonder, the Blood of Christ cleansing us from sin, bleeding, dying, loving from the cross of torment. Oh, may I say I have loved.
My precious brother in Christ, surely He has borne our sorrows, becoming sin for us, this pure Lamb of God, shedding His blood, pouring over our sins,…More
My precious brother in Christ, surely He has borne our sorrows, becoming sin for us, this pure Lamb of God, shedding His blood, pouring over our sins, to redeem us. Bless you dear brother as you celebrate His Sacrifice, and Glorious Reserrection 😇
Crucified. We hide in His Wounds, finding there there the solace for our suffering, enableing us to take up our cross and follow Him. When God calls us, He bids us come to die, to self, pride, and …More
We hide in His Wounds, finding there there the solace for our suffering, enableing us to take up our cross and follow Him. When God calls us, He bids us come to die, to self, pride, and every created idol. He destroys and fills the void with His sweet fragrance.
Dear Gregroy, how I will ever understand the Sacrifice of His Holy love. Oh may I say I have loved, sharing in the suffering of my Lord. What Holy Blood …More
Dear Gregroy, how I will ever understand the Sacrifice of His Holy love. Oh may I say I have loved, sharing in the suffering of my Lord. What Holy Blood flowed down, cleansing my sin, oh wretch that I am. Bless you this Holy Week and His Grace be upon you and yours.
The Cross. "And He bearing His Cross went forth." He carried the wood that would be His altar, paying the price for our salvation in the warm lifeblood from His heart.More
The Cross.
"And He bearing His Cross went forth." He carried the wood that would be His altar, paying the price for our salvation in the warm lifeblood from His heart.
Bless you Rhemes1582, may we ever keep His cross before us.
It Wasn't The Nails. "And He bearing His cross, went forth." ~~One of the most severe elements of degradation in Roman Crucifixion, as they bound the fatal wood upon His shoulders, by Whose power that …More
It Wasn't The Nails.
"And He bearing His cross, went forth."
~~One of the most severe elements of degradation in Roman Crucifixion, as they bound the fatal wood upon His shoulders, by Whose power that tree was made to grow, and from Whom the being who bore Him to the place of death, drew their exsistance. So completely committed was Jesus to save sinners, He created the tree upon which He would die upon ~~ Your love, eternal as Your Being, saw from everlasting, the cross of Calvary, yet You did not falter in your purpose. ~~ How resplendant does the love of Jesus appear from beneath the dark cloud of suffering and humilation. Love bearing the instrument of death and torture, confronting death, rising victorious from the cavran of death, because God so loved the world.
Dear Gregory, brother in Christ, what a hiding place is the cross of Christ. You can tell who have fled to it's shelter in the storm. It was sins's …More
Dear Gregory, brother in Christ, what a hiding place is the cross of Christ. You can tell who have fled to it's shelter in the storm. It was sins's deepest conviction in the soul that brings us there, to His suffering love. The cross, just the place where, worn and faint, your spirit has found perfect safety and repose. Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may the love of our Blest Mother surround us with Her love and wisdom. Bless you dear brother in Christ.
Dear Holyrope3, What peace to know He bore our sins on the tree. His love sustain you this day as you share His mercy with others.More
Dear Holyrope3,
What peace to know He bore our sins on the tree. His love sustain you this day as you share His mercy with others.
One more comment
His Blood. The Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world, assures us, we were not just an after thought of God. He bore us in His heart as He hung on the cross, torn with wounds, racked …More
His Blood.
The Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world, assures us, we were not just an after thought of God. He bore us in His heart as He hung on the cross, torn with wounds, racked with pain from our sin, bleeding for us.
Dear RomanCandle, So completely committed was Jesus to save sinners, He created the tree upon which He would die. ~~ Oh, the depth of love for sinners …More
Dear RomanCandle,
So completely committed was Jesus to save sinners, He created the tree upon which He would die. ~~ Oh, the depth of love for sinners He has. Lord, the universe in it's accumulation presents no love like Yours. Your love, eternal as Your Being, saw from everlasting, the cross of Calvary, yet You did not falter in Your purpose. How resplendant does the love of Jesus appear from beneath the dark cloud of suffering and humilation. Love bearing the instrument of death and torture, confronting death, rising victorious from the cavran of death, because God so loved the world. What Precious Blood.
Bless you in Christ,
Lord Jesus, at the Hour of Great Mercy I think of you shedding your precious blood, and enduring a long and agonising death on the Cross of Calvary for a …More
Lord Jesus, at the Hour of Great Mercy I think of you
shedding your precious blood, and enduring a long
and agonising death on the Cross of Calvary for a
sinner such as myself and for all sinners. King of
Love, King of Mercy, King of Friday; send forth
your glorious radiance and restore your people
to spiritual, emotional and physical well being.
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This Man Was Innocent. God became man, took our sins, though innocent, He became guilty that we might be made pure through the blood of His cross.More
This Man Was Innocent.
God became man, took our sins, though innocent, He became guilty that we might be made pure through the blood of His cross.
May we bare the marks of His Ownership. Bless you RomanCandle and may His cross ever be before you. SoundingjoyMore
May we bare the marks of His Ownership. Bless you RomanCandle and may His cross ever be before you.
Show me a man making the Sign of the Cross and I will know what the cross means to him.More
Show me a man making the Sign of the Cross
and I will know what the cross means to him.
Names of Christ. He is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Savior, Immanuel, and King of Kings.More
Names of Christ.
He is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Savior, Immanuel, and King of Kings.
Dear RomanCandle, Blessings to you during this time of lent 😇More
Dear RomanCandle,
Blessings to you during this time of lent 😇
King of Love, King of Mercy, King of Friday; may your glorious radiance restore us to health and well being.More
King of Love, King of Mercy, King of Friday; may your
glorious radiance restore us to health and well being.
It Is Finished. " It is Finished." Word of chance uttered by a desperate martyr? No, words of intent, painted by the Divine Deliverer on the canvas of sacrifice.More
It Is Finished.
" It is Finished." Word of chance uttered by a desperate martyr?
No, words of intent, painted by the Divine Deliverer on the canvas of sacrifice.
Dear Romancandle, The Cross, the war, "It is Finished," was the aftermath. Were it a symphony, this would be the final note. Were it a storm, it would …More
Dear Romancandle,
The Cross, the war, "It is Finished," was the aftermath. Were it a symphony, this would be the final note. Were it a storm, it would be the sun piercing the clouds. Through these words of our Lord, Satan's vultures have been scattered, hell's demon's are jailed, for death has been damned. Ten thousand angels take our Wounded Troubador to the cradle of His Father's Arms. Farewell, manger's Infant, go home, Death Slayer for "It is Finished." Bless you as we rest in the finished work of His Cross.
The phrase “It is finished” is rich in meaning. One of the ways the original Greek text can be translated is “paid in full”; not only for one …More
The phrase “It is finished” is rich in meaning. One of the ways the original Greek text can be translated is “paid in full”; not only for one transaction, but for all future transactions as well. Where can this phrase be witnessed in the Gospels aside from the Cross of Calvary? The account of the Good Samaritan is an excellent example. When the Samaritan found the man on the road to Jericho, he found a man that had lost everything and almost his life. The Samaritan cleaned, anointed and bandaged the man’s wounds, and placed the badly injured man on his donkey, and then walked along side the man to an inn, where he took care of the injured man through the night. The following morning, the Samaritan gave two denarii to the inn keeper (the equivalent of two day’s wages for an unskilled labourer), and promised to pay the inn keeper any expenses over and above the two denarii. This Samaritan not only showed compassion to the injured man but was prepared to do everything to save that man’s …More
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