
Young White Men Abuse George Floyd Protests For Violence And Looting

I'm not denying police brutality. George Floyd was unjustly murdered. Whether that cop intended to kill him or was just poorly trained I don't know. Police brutality happens all the time and it never makes national news, but when a case does it's always same, black man dies and white man involved. White people are racist and evil. It's a re-occurring theme the mainstream press keeps pushing and they …More
I'm not denying police brutality. George Floyd was unjustly murdered. Whether that cop intended to kill him or was just poorly trained I don't know. Police brutality happens all the time and it never makes national news, but when a case does it's always same, black man dies and white man involved. White people are racist and evil. It's a re-occurring theme the mainstream press keeps pushing and they do this for a few reasons but one of them is to incite hatred against whites. Many whites are killed by blacks because of this reason. Many whites are killed by police officers. The press is not interested in the white victims of black violence. It doesn't fit their agenda. The reality is that black violence is out of control and the media covers it up and in turns the blame on whites. It's been like this for decades. The majority of blacks murdered are due to other blacks. Not whites. Not cops. These marxist groups like BLM and Antifa will not protest that. They don't care about black lives. They only care about inciting hatred against whites. It's obvious what's happening to people in Europe. They will become like America. A melting pot with their ethnicity erased. This is called Genocide and it's a slow genocide. This is of course comes from the devil and his children.

What's interesting about the George Floyd case was that the cop that was sitting on him worked with Floyd as security at a club. Another item of interest is that there were no paramedics from the ambulance. If you watch the video it shows two police officers who put him on the gurney and into the ambulance. Autopsy Reports say that George Floyd did not die from asphyxiation. Reports say he died of a combination of heart disease and intoxicants in his system. This is not to say how the police handled him was okay. They obviously contributed to his death but he could of just of died from wrestling with friends in the state he was in.

The other issue is that why are all these men career criminals and felons which George Floyd was, treated as Saints in the press? The press immediately jumps to race baiting. There is an agenda and it's to incite hatred against white people which causes more whites to get attacked and murdered.

Young White Men Abuse George Floyd Protests For Violence And Looting

Except almost every video on the internet is large crowds of black people looting and destroying property and the videos of people cleaning up the mess are white people. Yet, it's still white man's fault.
The protests/riots were all planned out. There are leftists groups paying people to riot as was the case in previous years of rioting across the U.S.. White, Hispanic, and Asian people die all …More
Except almost every video on the internet is large crowds of black people looting and destroying property and the videos of people cleaning up the mess are white people. Yet, it's still white man's fault.

The protests/riots were all planned out. There are leftists groups paying people to riot as was the case in previous years of rioting across the U.S.. White, Hispanic, and Asian people die all the time due to police brutality and there are no riots or major headlines about this, but when a black dies and a white is involved it becomes national headline news to incite a race riot. Marxist agitators paid for by leftist organizations funded by George Soros and other globalists organize and pay useful idiots to riot. It's the same repeated played out story over and over again in America. The mainstream press and their handlers instigate all of this because they tell people the "news".

Twitter Lets Verified Account Threaten Journalist with 'Bullet in the Back of Your Skull'

Twitter is garbage. Breitbart is run by zionist jews. Two sides of the same coin.

France Will Soon Need the White Men’s Reservations

The EUSSR. No more nations anymore. No borders. A new world order (novus ordo secolorum)

Another thing wrong by

If you think good job means to promote and defend the antichrist mafia and their Noahide laws.

Another thing wrong by

@Gesù è con noi St. Augustine was not a sodomite. Please don't compare a heretic to a Saint. Voris believes that homosexuals are victim souls. This is blasphemous. The bigger issue is that Voris defends and promotes the antichrist Talmudists and their anti-biblical and antiChrist Noahide Laws. This is a much graver concern. Noahide laws call for the decapitation of all Christians.

Another thing wrong by

Those who are part of the Cult of Voris are following a man with a long history of sodomy and a man who defends and promotes the antichrist mafia and their antichrist beliefs! Wake up out of your stupor and denial.…/church-militant…

Nuns Celebrate End Of Ramadan With Muslim Song

“The abomination shall be seen in holy places, in convents, and then the demon shall make himself the king of hearts.” -Our Lady of La Salette

Obvious Liar. Boris Johnson said in the latest press conference that he has never need glasses until …

Woah, there is a new one, a lying politician.

Fr Waillez Own Testimony – Victim Of ChurchMilitant?

Church Militant is not Catholic. They promote the antichrist and antibiblical Noahide Laws.…/church-militant…

Sodomites and their bastard son help present gifts at the novus ordo table to Heretical Archbishop …

It imported the title from the youtube video. I'll reword it. The sodomites deliberately make a child a bastard for their own disgusting selfish reasons. The child will never know their dad or their mom. It's child abuse. A sodomite has no right to be around a child. They should be in jail. God vaporized entire cities for that abomination. It it one of the worst crimes.

Francis Thanks John Paul II for Having Questioned Primacy of Peter

Yes, and if we fear God we will know very well that he has the power to send us to hell for being wicked sinners.

Archbishop Gomez Offers COVID-19 Update

Gomez is a wicked heretic. He approves of sodomite "marriage" and child abuse. He allowed two sodomites and their bastard son bring up the offering to the altar at a novus ordo abomination. See this:…/A674-G-Couple.h…

Sheriff Arrests Pastor for Holding Church Service, Releases Criminal Who Murdered Someone Next Day

Lifenews is not Catholic, hence why they promote a protestant "pastor".

Atheists are warning that Christianity may be necessary for the survival of Western civilization

@F M Shyanguya You disagree with what and what does Trad Inc. have to do with this conversation?

Atheists are warning that Christianity may be necessary for the survival of Western civilization

Also, see the following video on why JP is a liar and hypocrite as well. A Communist Charlatan Quack Dismantled

Atheists are warning that Christianity may be necessary for the survival of Western civilization

Yes, he is with the enemy. The enemy gives him awards because he defends their antichrist beliefs. See his bio from the archive link I linked. To say that it's a genetic fallacy also condemns the jews because genetics mean everything to the jews. The jews are racial supremacists and commit genocide against all other nations but if you mention this fact they can only muster up some worn out marxist …More
Yes, he is with the enemy. The enemy gives him awards because he defends their antichrist beliefs. See his bio from the archive link I linked. To say that it's a genetic fallacy also condemns the jews because genetics mean everything to the jews. The jews are racial supremacists and commit genocide against all other nations but if you mention this fact they can only muster up some worn out marxist terms they created which are just ad hominem fallacies that appeal to emotion so they can shut down debate because they are hypocrites and liars, pharisees. Lifesitenews and the Church Militant by Michael Voris work for the enemy. They both promote the anti-biblical and antiChrist Noahide laws that calls for the decapitation of all Christians and non-jews.

Christopher Jon Bjerknes Confronts Ultra-Zionist Jew Dr. Michael L. Brown Over Noahide Laws

Judaism's Strange gods by Michael A Hoffman II

"Beare not the yoke with infidels. For what participation hath justice with iniquitie? or what societie is there between light and darkenes? And what agreement with Christ and Belial? or what part hath the faithful with the infidel? And what agreement hath the Temple of God with the Idols? For you are the Temple of the living God : as God saith, That I wil dwell, and walke in them, and wil be their God, and they shall be my people. For the which cause, Goe out of the middle of them, and separate your selves, saith our Lord, and touch not the uncleane : and I will receive you. and I will be a Father to you: and you shall be my sonnes & daughters, saith our Lord omnipotent." The Second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 6, verses 14-18

Trump Wants Mass Back – Bishops Don't

Zionist Trump wants your vote ignorant Christian. Both parties are compromised.