BREAKING: Porn Author & Prefect of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, His Iniquitous, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, in yet another interview (the 4th one now?) quadruples down in his defense of the Vatican’s heretical and blasphemous “blessing” for sodomite couplings. Clearly, His Iniquitous isn’t backing down, but is sailing full steam ahead with his insistence on the acceptance …More
BREAKING: Porn Author & Prefect of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, His Iniquitous, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, in yet another interview (the 4th one now?) quadruples down in his defense of the Vatican’s heretical and blasphemous “blessing” for sodomite couplings. Clearly, His Iniquitous isn’t backing down, but is sailing full steam ahead with his insistence on the acceptance and implementation of his sacrilegious Declaration that seeks to grant Church approval of sodomy and those who commit it.

Il cardinale Fernández: “Benedire le coppie gay non è blasfemo, la tenerezza di Gesù Cristo è per …

Il Prefetto della Fede attaccato dai tradizionalisti per le aperture al mondo Lgbtq+: «Sono atti …
Ivan Tomas
Sons of perdition.